- Vincent Alvarez
- Andy Anderson
- Brian Anderson
- Lizzie Armanto
- Dane Barker
- Danny Barrera
- Silas Baxter-Neal
- Theotis Beasley
- Matt Berger
- Kevin Bilyeu
- Sky Brown
- Dennis Busenitz
- Karim Callender
- Connor Champion
- Jack Curtin
- Wade DesArmo
- Mariah Duran
- Antonio Durao
- Jagger Eaton
- Byron Essert
- Yuri Facchini
- Gabriel Fortunato
- Didrik Galasso
- Jhancarlos Gonzalez
- Joey Guevara
- Felipe Gustavo
- Shawn Hale
- Danny Hamaguchi
- Spencer Hamilton
- Ben Hatchell
- Justin Henry
- Neil Herrick
- Aaron Herrington
- Kelvin Hoefler
- Blake Johnson
- Boo Johnson
- Tyshawn Jones
- Dashawn Jordan
- Chris Joslin
- Cory Kennedy
- Kai Kishi
- Jereme Knibbs
- Kevin Kowalski
- Bucky Lasek
- Ryan Lay
- Oscar Loreto
- Dan Mancina
- Georgia Martin
- Kilian Martin
- Gabriela Mazetto
- Vitoria Mendonca
- Mark Del Negro
- Reese Nelson
- Joey O’Brien
- Isa Pacheco
- Denny Pham
- Mikey Ray
- Kevin Reimer
- David Reyes
- Dylan Rieder
- Dick Rizzo
- Paul Rodriguez
- Pamela Rosa
- Walker Ryan
- John Shanahan
- Miles Silvas
- Elliot Sloan
- Evan Smith
- Jamal Smith
- JP Souza
- Frankie Spears
- Brett Sube
- Mark Suciu
- Marius Syvanen
- Monica Torres
- Jordan Trahan
- Zack Wallin
- Bryce Wettstein
- Jimmy Wilkins
- Myles Willard
- Trey Wood
- Bobby Worrest
- Sakura Yosozumi
- Xavier Alford
- Ryan Alvero
- Chris Athans
- Andrea Benitez
- Pedro Biagio
- Leonardo Bodelazzi
- Gavin Bottger
- John Bradford
- Jahmir Brown
- Kris Brown
- Lucas Alves Bueno
- Ryan Carrel
- Art Cordova
- Chloe Covell
- Lazer Crawford
- Greg Dehart
- Margielyn Didal
- Zach Doelling
- Sean Evans
- Kiko Francisco
- Marina Gabriela
- Christian Hall
- Austin Heilman
- Paige Heyn
- Christopher Hiett
- Mark Humienik
- Dru James
- Terrill Jefferson
- Kristion Jordan
- Kevin Liedtke
- Alex Lobasyuk
- Kevin Lowry
- Hina Maeda
- Joey Marrone
- Wacson Mass
- Christiana Means
- Christian Miller
- Ari Misurelli
- Tagai Nagai
- Kisa Nakamura
- Taylor Nye
- Zach Panebianco
- Ron Parker
- Jiro Platt
- Cooper Qua
- Cy Romano
- Jorge Simoes
- Collin Slew
- Wilton Souza
- Jack Springer
- Jasper Stieve
- Max Taylor
- Romel Torres
- Raphael Ueda
- Derrick Wilson
- Isamu Yamamoto
- Ray Barbee
- Sal Barbier
- Louie Barletta
- Caswell Berry
- Chico Brenes
- Steve Caballero
- June Cate
- Pat Channita
- Jimmy Chung
- Sandro Dias
- Mike Frazier
- Danny Garcia
- Mark Gonzales
- Jeff Grosso
- Nicky Guerrero
- Christian Hosoi
- Stefan Janoski
- James Kelch
- Steve Kindle
- Andy Macdonald
- Nick Matlin
- Dave Mayhew
- Mike McGill
- Joel Meinholz
- Chris Miller
- Lance Mountain
- Al Partanen
- Chris Pastras
- Joey Pepper
- Chris Pfanner
- Danny Renaud
- Mike Rosa
- Jack Sabback
- Willy Santos
- Chris Senn
- Sean Sheffey
- Paul Shier
- Elissa Steamer
- Pat Steiner
- CJ Tamborino
- Kevin Taylor
- Ed Templeton
- Vanessa Torres
- Chuck Treece
- Van Wastell
- Stevie Williams
- Jeremy Wray
- Jonas Wray
- Mike York
- Giorgio Zattoni
“All other bearings suk, Bones are the elite!!! Bones are the s**t, f**k the competition.”
— billy “pablo sanchez” bianco
“These bearings f#*@ing rock!!!!!!!”
— Robby

The standard by which all other bearings are measured.
Bones Swiss Skateboard Bearings have the best reputation in the skateboard industry and have had this honor since 1981, due to their performance and quality. Everyone who rides Swiss knows how fast they are and how long they last. Testimonials reveal them lasting several times longer than low cost bearings. Skaters who use Bones Swiss do so because they want the very best equipment they can get and know the difference between ordinary and exceptional. Our team is a who’s who of top skaters and we are proud to be associated with each one of them.